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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 19, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> i have none of that. >> you got to get ready for your next show. >> honestly, he hasn't done enough television today. >> don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. president obama may have known about massive delays and false published wait times at the va even before he was president. this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier. the question of what the president knew and when he knew it tonight aplis to the growing scandal over veterans fair. here are today's development. a doctor who work at a va hospital in west virginia insists she was told to put patients off for months on end with disastrous results. a published report talks about
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excessive waits in albuquerque, new mexico. and the washington times says the president's transition team was briefed on va waiting times back in 2009. >> reporter: as pressure builds on a still silent president obama, the drip drip of scandal at veterans hospitals has turned into a gushing scream of allegations that have now reached 19 states, including new information first reported by fox by two patients who allegedly committed suicide waiting for care in west virginia. >> i knew the suicides were inevitable and worse than if they hadn't been treated at all. >> the washington times reported the obama team was warned by the bush team about the wait times at va hospitals. >> the fact then is candidate, senator obama identified problems within the va and
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committed hem receive to -- himself to making sure sure we enhance the budget. >> in fact, as a candidate, then senator obama told the vfw, it was a sacred trust to improve treatment for veterans. >> no veteran should have to fill out a 23-page claim to get care or wait months or even years to get an appointment at the va. >> the problems started in the bush administration, it begs the question as to what this white house has done for six years. >> if you are warned about it in transition, wouldn't you have done it in 2009, 2010, 2011. >> absolutely. we asked for and received significant -- >> threw more money at it. it's not getting to veterans. >> again you have more veterans being served through health snarns the country. >> whistle blowers zblae. one anonymous doctor telling the
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daily beast, the albuquerque va hospital has a secret waiting list of eight months. >> she said oh, my god, troy, i just called the wife of a veteran who has already passed away. he was waiting for a new patient appointment and never got it until it was too late. >> well, the president has not spoken out on the scandal in nearly a month, aides say he's madder than hell and will address it soon. as to how he first heard the allegations of deaths in phoenix. >> i believe we learned about them through the report. >> we heard similar during the irs scandal. today, jay carney held up the american legion support of a va official's exit. they thought it was accountability but then they learn the official was already planning to step down. they now call it business as usual. the u.s. is going after 21st century criminals with old fashioned tactics tonight.
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the justice department is bringing espionage charges against chinese hackers in what is billed as a precedent setting prosecution. the specifics. >> reporter: the fbi most wanted list is home to bank robbers and murderers, but the justice department is taking the unusual step of adding five chinese nationals all members of the people's liberation army. >> i think what distinguishes this case is that we have the state-sponsored entity, individuals using intelligence tools to gain commercial advantage and that is what makes this case different. >> the charges, the first of their kind against chinese state officials, alleged they hacked six pittsburgh-based companies. u.s. attorney for the western district of pennsylvania is handling the case. >> yes, absolutely. i'm saying that this cyber hacking leads directly to the loss of jobs here in the united states. >> reporter: the five chinese
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military officials work from the shanghai office building known as 61398. the hackers allegedly stole information like product designs to give chinese companies advantages. beijing wanted proof. >> i can only tell you that the chinese government had said if we had evidence that would stand up in a court of law, show it and today we did. >> it was just last week that the administration rolled out the red carpet for china's top general visiting washington. the white house spokesman offered generalities. >> we have raised these concerns with the chinese government and today's government reflects our growing concerns that this chinese behavior has continued. >> the chinese called on the u.s. to withdraw the indictment. beijing dropped its participation in an international cyber working group and drawing on the nsa leaks alleged the u.s. intelligence agencies are
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engaged in similar activities. the state department says there is a distinction. >> our activities are focused on the national security interests of the united states. >> the chance of a trial is remote, the indictment has the effect of blocking travel to the u.s. the charges will make it harder for the men to get jobs outside the chinese government. >> i want to ask you about bengha benghazi. dianne feinstein had some strong words about the house select committee on benghazi. she says her committee has all the answers it needs. >> it's ridiculous. i think it's a hunting mission for a lynch mob actually. >> house democrats still say they are not sure they will appoint any member to the committee. what do we know tobt tonight? >> what we know the minority leader could speak to john boehner as to the composition of the democrats on the committee. the name being thrown out there
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is florida congressman alan gray son but given the serious tone, that's looking increasingly unlikely. >> 97 people have been arrested in 16 countries for developing, distributing or using criminal software known as black shades. agencies in europe were joined by officials in the u.s. and canada. black shades allows users to gain control of target computers and record personal information, including keystrokes and web cam video. russian president vladimir putin has said he ordered troops to move away from the border of the ukraine. the u.s. and nato say they have not seen any evidence yet of a russian troop pullback. stocks were up today here in the u.s. the dow gained 20.5. the s&p 500 finished ahead 7, the nasdaq was up 35.
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the recent change with the agency tasked with overseeing obamacare is not enough to satisfactory some people. jim angle tells us how obamacare customers may end up with a big tax bill from unkle sam. >> of a roll out so rocky even president obama apologized. there's another surprise awaiting consumers. if they are receiving subsidies and their income changes, they may own a bundle to the irs. >> wait until they owe the irs hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> the vast majority receive subsidies so this could affect hundreds of thousands whose income change over the years. >> $500 bonus isn't worth it if you are going to lose obamacare tax credits. >> they will -- those who receive the maximum for subsidies about $94,000 for a a family of four would have to
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return every last dollar. the problem is the administration still hasn't fixed the back end of the computer system that verifies such things, so insurance companies bill what they think is right. >> the major insurance companies in the united states are sending a bill, an invoice to the treasury saying here's how much you owe us for subsidies for the month of april and the treasury is simple writing a check on that basis. >> because they didn't develop the back end, they still don't have it developed and it's not clear it's going to be developed any time soon. >> on top of that, some supporters of the law are calling for the president to appoint a ceo to manage both the federal and state exchanges, some of which have been miserable failures. >> i think this is a tacit admission that kathleen sebelius failed in her oversight of the implementation of obamacare. >> so supporters want someone to hold accountable other than the president or the administration. >> but, of course, you can't just create positions in government out of whole cloth. there needs to be statutory
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authorization for these things to have real authority and i don't see how they could do that easily. >> officials say income discrepancies aren't surprising since this is a new process. but for now, any fixes will be done by hand. what one critic calls an accounting nightmare, and the house is demanding a briefing no later than june 2nd. some huge primary races for republicans coming up tomorrow. we'll take a look when we come back. first here's what some of our fox affiliates across the country. fox 25 in boston with the resignation of a new hampshire police commissioner who admitted using the n word to describe president obama. 82 kbrrled robert copeland quit last night after pressure from locals including mitt romney. atlanta, with word from the fda that more than a thousand dog deaths may be link to toxic
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jerky treats. this is a live look at new york from fox 5, the big story there tonight, objections from some 9/11 survivor families about items in the gift shop. some families say there shouldn't be a gift shop there at all. officials at the facility say the products were chosen carefully and respectfully. that's ton's live look outside the beltway. we'll be right back. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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and georgia secretary of state karen hand dell and two other congressmen. if nobody gets a major, it will take a run-off to decide who will run against michelle nun. >> in kentucky's gop senate primary, mitch mcconnell leads the polls. an issued a new release saying victory it within release today based on a poll that shows mcdonnell ahead by six points. >> this seemingly hijacked the system, will they be allowed to decide who, what, when, where and how. >> democrats nomination alison grimes is unopposed.
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arkansas mark pryor is already battling tom cotton. they have been pounding one another more months. oregon, jeff merckly waits. dr. monica web her ber. >> so far this year, not one incumbent republican has lost. >> last but not least, pennsylvania's governor's race is a democratic one and a real primary brawl. the frontrunner, businessman, tom wolf, vastly outspent his rifles. the winner will face tom corbett. >> a political activist in mississippi will be back in court later this week charged
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with photographing the bed ridden wife of senator thad cochran. a strange story. the suspect is a supporter of republicans primary opponent. >> 20-year-old blogger clayton thomas was held on bond, following his arrest friday for sneaking into a assisted living facility and photographing the wife of senator cochran. kelly who allegedly uploaded the images to youtube faces a felony charge of exploiting a vulnerable adult. in her call, melanie sojourner, for chris mcdonnell also told cochran's campaign manager. >> there was some stuff several
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months ago where this guy was doing some insane stuff on line. we found out about it. chris and i really siked a bunch of volunteering on trying to who was the source. >> no one on staff ever had any contact with kely. sojourner made her call before rose cochran's name had even been disclosed. the incidents basic details were already circulating. and they claim it is waited three weeks before reporting i the crime. >> whatever the real facts are, i don't think hard evidence is needed here in a political context because politically this is a disaster for mcdaniel. >> the mcdaniel cited two polls showing their man leading cochran. the surveys that were conducted assume lower turnout rates than will likely be seen on primary
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day, june 3rd. >> still ahead, the epa wants a wyoming man to pay $75,000 a day for a pond. we'll explain. first, brit hume with his analysis about what the veteran scandal tells us about government health care. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services
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former "new york times" executive editor jill abramson says she's a lot like a new college graduate. scared and a little excited. her first public appearance since her dismissal last week. >> anyone who has been dumped, you know this thing of losing or not getting something you badly want.
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when that happens, show what you are made of. >> the times has denied reports abramson's dismissal had to do with complaints about unequal pay or the company's treatment of women. the mayor of a central california town is under fire for suggesting that bullying victims should stand up for themselves. cameron hamilton got a lot of people upset when he said this. >> i'm against bullying, but i'm getting tired of it being used as a mantra for everything and the ills of the world when all most people have to do is grow a pair. >> city officials and gay rights advocates are angry. hamilton said a kplan for so-called safe zones where kids could seek refuge from bullies. senior political analyst brit human is -- hume is here
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tonight. >> the spreading scandal of delayed care at veterans administration hospitals and the unraveling efforts to cover up the problem have resulted in predictable calls for the resignation of va secretary eric shinseki, but the va has been plagued with patient backlogs for long as i can remember and the problem has defied all efforts to solve it. the long waits for care are common for government run health systems. think about all the complaints you've read about long waits for care in the systems in canada and britain. as michael tanner of the kato institute points out, the delays are a form of rationing. this is an inconvenient truth for those who believe in full blown socialized medicine. that's how medicare works. it may be popular because it's
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supposedly free but people can afford it buy extra private insurance to cover its gaps. medicaid works that way too, but good luck finding a physician who will treat you. in a recent study fewer than half doctors treat medicaid patients. >> the most important part of the story is making sure our veterans receive their care. in this town, we often look at the political implications. what do you think they are as this thing unrolls? >> it feeds into the question about what the president says before. that's whether he and his team can manage anything. we've had that after the roll out after obamacare. obamacare feeds into this medicaid problem which feeds into this as well. the best defense for the administration should be this kind of system doesn't work. it's not eric shinseki's fault.
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somehow, i don't think that the president is going to say that. a commencement speaker who was not proceed tested, scolded students who objected to someone else. and this young lady, could be headed directly to high school, to the statehouse of delegates. a graduation edition of the grapevine is next. [ male announcer ] with reddi wip, fruit never sounded more delicious. mmm. with 15 calories per serving and real cream, the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. mmm. with 15 calories per serving and real cream, nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today!
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from pickings from the political grapevine. commencement sar moans are often the final teaching moments to
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cap off the college experience. at hafer forward ha haverford college students objected to robert berjerno because of his handling of occupy wall street protests in 2011. he withdrew from the ceremony. former president william bowen did speak. he called the success of the protest was a defeat for the college. i think that they have encourage him to come. i think he should be with us today. bowen's address drew a standing ovation. >> treasury secretary and
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georgetown alum, jack lew spoke to his alma matter. >> if the penned lump is swinging back. i believe that immigration reform the same will be true. if we need evidence that our country can still accomplish big things, one need only consider health care reform. >> well, health care reform was anything but bipartisan. the final bill passing both houses with zero republican votes. finally last week, sarah blair won ta an election last week. this week, high school graduation. blair told fox and friends this morning, win or lose, they plans
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to -- she plans to go to college full-time. serving in the lth tour will be a part-time job. another example tonight of americans fighting back against the borrowing bureaucracy, some even call it the tirn yaen of the environmental protection agency. >> andy johnson and his wife built a pond in 2011 for his cattle but now the epa is threatening a $75,000 a day fine. the johnsons say they thought they followed all the rules especially after wyoming's state engineer gave them the permit. >> i love the work that we put into it. >> now you can see bald eagles here. we have moose come down. you know, four and five pound brown trout live in this. it's been a tremendous environmental benefit. >> in january, the epa told johnson because he didn't get a permit from the army core of
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engineers, he violated the federal clean water act, in park because six mile creek which feeds other waterways runs through it. they are alleging that i've altered the water which is the green river which is more than a hundred miles from me. it's just -- it's just crazy. >> the epa gave johnson 30 days to dismantle the bond. in a statement to fox news, the agency said in part, epa's primary goal in clean water act cases is to work cooperatively with land owners to remedy violations. we are hopeful that we will be able to do so in this case. in a joint march 12 letter to the epa, senate environment and public works committee chair david bidder and wyoming's two senators wrote rather than a sober administration of the clean water ak, the compliance order reads like a draconian edick of a heavy handed buick ross accuracy. >> harry, an attorney not
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connected with this case has tangled frequently regarding private property rights. >> johnson recently told the epa he won't pay the fine and he won't tear down the pond. an illinois man has tested positive with the mers virus. the illinois man feels fine and never sought medical care. mers has been a problem in saudi arabia for two years now. officials do not consider it highly couldn't stagious. the veterans scandal widens. we'll get reactions from the panel after a quick break. all over the world know us, but they don't yet know we're a family. we're right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun.
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no veteran should have to fill out a 23-page claim to get care or wait months, even years to get an appointment at the va. cut those backlogs, slash those wait times, deliver your benefits sooner. i know you've heard this for years but the leadership and resources we're providing this time means that we're going to be able to do it. that is our mission and we're going to make it happen. >> when i got elected in 2010 we were talking about the va. today we're in 2014 and we're still talking about it and we're talking with people hiding lists and folks dying and it's gone to
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the level of going criminal. >> the investigation needs to continue and completed and acease what the facts are. >> the allegations have now expanded in the va scandal to 19 dirn states. this comes as two stories surface from foia requests. one from the washington times says the obama-biden transition team were aware of the scandal. this is not only a data integrity issue in which the va administration reports unreliable performance data, it affects quality of care by delaying and potentially denying deserving veteran timely care. the dayton daily news with a report about the database of paid claims by the va since 2001 includes 167 in which the words delay in treatment is used in
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the description. the va paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims either voluntarily or as part of a court action. this is the veterans who died while waiting for care. jonah goldberg, kirsten powers and charles krauthammer. these stories point to a problem that began well before the obama administration. >> well, it's obvious from the clip you showed where the president was speaking in 2009. he's already in office. he identifies exactly the problem that we're talking about right now and he says, of course, as any good liberal will, we're going to add a lot of money, throw some money at it and this time we're going to do it well clearly throwing money at it which is what they tried to do across the board for every problem, they throw money at it. add a few inputs and nothing happened at the other side.
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the reason is this, the cooking of the books as a result of the delays, but the larger problem is why do you get the delays? and brit hume talked about this in his commentary. this is a purely government-run service. doctors are on salary. they have zero incentive to see a lot of patients. in the albuquerque report that you saw in the daily beast, they reported the average cardiologist treats alone in one week what the entire eight-person department of cardiology in the albuquerque facility treated. so that's 8 to 1 and that's because if you are in private practice, if you want to stay alive, you have to see a lot of patients, so you can cover your overhead. i mean, this is -- this is not new, butcher shops in the soviet union and in the west are difference because if you have a steak in this, you are going to work harder. as a result, you are going to
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get these long delays. what's new here and probably criminal is the fact is that you then falsely report all this stuff that you have not done, which you have no incentive to do in the first place. it's a lesson about government-run health care. >> the republicans to abol lish -- >> if you would suggest that we go to a voucher system, where everybody will get a voucher for treatment in any hospital he or she chooses, and i were a vet, i would choose that. i would rather go to georgetown university hospital than to a va. >> it's clear there needs to be some sort of large scale reform here, even in the best of circumstances. president obama was saying, and the worst of circumstances is people potentially died as a result of these delays. it's more than just something that was annoying or, you know, a delay. it was something that actually resulted in a death, and so i think there needs to be some sort of reform. the white house apparently has
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sent people over to try to dig into this deeper and determine whether these were isolated incidents or whether this is in fact the systemic problem that requires some sort of wholesale reform. >> what about this whole resignation of doctor petzel, which is really retirement that was sped up, and now the white house from the podium points to you know some statements by some different groups, american legion and others, and now those group come out and say we didn't realize he was on his way out in may? >> i don't know about that specific case, but i will say for the calls for shinseki to be resigning and an idea that somebody needs to resign because of this, i do think we need to wait and have an actual investigation to get all the facts. >> yeah, i think the isolated incidents response from the white house, which they were holding on to even up to basically today, but really, you know, i want to note just a
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matter of math how many isolated incidents you get before it categorically becomes systemic. now we got 19 states. that seems like a pregnant down -- pretty good down payment on more than a few isolated incidents. delays and snafus, they are not bugs, they are features of government-run health care and the problem the obama administration is in and i think it explains partly why they are so ham fisted on the petzel res nation are so terrified of this story, that's why obama hasn't spoken on it. veterans are so radioactive. >> at some point, isn't that the story? >> that's the problem. this monday, he's giving a speech in arlington cemetery, if he doesn't speak about it before then and not there, then all of a sudden, it's the white house stonewalled. he's talking about how great
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veterans and their sacrifices, but he's not talking about the ones who died on waiting lists? >> we are getting ten, twelve specific stories in email, twitter and facebook every day. this is a doctor who came on fox and friends this morning from west virginia. >> i complained to administration. you cannot partially treat people and then this is bad practice. it's doing harm, first do no harm. we had conversation going but nothing happened. more staff i said, could we reach out to the community? could we even limit the service and turn people away so at least they know that they are not being treated, it's more honest and maybe the media will get attention and we'll get some help. nothing. and eventually they really stopped talking to me so i was functionally silent but they couldn't booking them. and i knew -- i knew, i knew the suicides were inevitable and worse than if they hadn't been treated at all.
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>> talking about suicides and the psychology here and for a doctor to come out and tell that story, i mean, that's a big deal. >> what happened here is once the report that goes nationwide, once you find systemic abuse in certain hospitals, then you can be sure there are hundreds, thousands of anecdotal cases of people who had to hide it or afraid they would be fired or even worse, who have been holding it back, and now the flood gates open. the administration cannot hide the president who reported to be madder than hell which i suppose is an improvement over the secretary shinseki who apparently was only mad as hell. he is now even madder than hell. he acts as if, this is the same with irs, with the eefg dropping, with all these other scandals, as if he stumbled upon the presidency and discovered all this horrible stuff is happening. he's in charge of these departments. at some point you've got to ask
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where has he been and where is the competence, he promised when he ran in 2008? next up. the u.s. goes after chinese hackers. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. "hashtag love dad" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". our aarp tek program helps people find better ways to better connect with each other. find more real possibilities at ♪ no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running... seamlessly. so you can get back to what you love.
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stand up in court: well, today we are. >> today the department of justice, as you heard, charging five chinese nationals with hacking into six different companies in the pittsburgh area actually. and this case is going forward. they are now on the fbi's most wanted list. china the foreign ministry responding with this. the chinese government. chinese military and relevant personnel have never engamed or participated in cyber theft of trade secrets. the u.s. accusation against chinese personnel is purely ungrounded and absurd. back with the panel. joan that, this comes after a big visit by the head of the chinese, the highest ranking chinese general last week. meeting with the vice president at the pentagon. what do you make of this move and how it effects u.s./china relations? >> yeah. i'm actually in favor of this move if it's actually backed up by something. if it's purely symbolic. symbolism is nice but these people would be arrested. i'm in favor of ratkin
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issuing letters of mark. we should actually employ people to go on a tact to china. that's a subject of a different issue. i don't think anybody is actually shocked that obama foreign policy has maintained its incoherence with regard to china. it would be kind of weird to single out china where it had a coherent foreign policy and nowhere else. at the same time, i think you can have things on two tracks. and it's important to figure out, at least getting this on the public national and international agenda is a worthwhile thing. it is enormous issue. >> kirsten, there are clearly two tracks here. >> yeah. i mean, to me, i don't understand how anyone can even criticize this. this is obviously a good thing. whether or not they are able to actually prosecute them, which they won't be able to, i still think that if they are going to the chinese and making these claims and the chinese are demanding this they prove them. i think that this is a step in that direction. it could potentially make life a little difficult for
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the people that are doing this once they leave the army, you know, the military and they try to go to the private sector, could maybe be a disincentive to people in the future. so i think it's just a net good and it's a completely separate issue on what you think of his larger foreign policy regarding china. >> i rise to the challenge of how could anybody be critical of this step. easy, it is fictional foreign policy. this is a farce. the chinese, we he immediately rejected the charge as absurd and they make this absurd statement that we have never engaged in cyber theft. the whole world knows it. and we knew that the chinese rejection would come. second, we have no extradition treaty which, of course, they reject the existence of the charge in the first place. so it really wouldn't matter. third, there is no way we are ever going to have these people stand trial. >> so we just ignore it? >> no. i'm warming to my subject.
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>> .9. >> until i get a signal that i'm running out of time. [ laughter ] if you keep it up i will never get there 40, there will never be a trial. this is simply a show. if you want to do something about this, announce, a, a doubling of our cyber defenses budget and add a whole section openly that we are going to now work double our spending on cyber attacks. do something serious. if you do this in conjunction with that, then it means something. i mean, the way that the justice department announces this is a new ground breaking step, this is like tweeting ukraine or tweeting the boko haram kidnappings. this is a government with power not using it and engaging in empty gestures instead. there, how did i do? >> i just don't think that -- i think that obama got criticized when he was shifted money in the defense
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budget precisely for this reason, to spend more money on cyber attacks. he has already done that he is accused of weakening our foreign policy by doing exactly what you just said he should be doing. >> quickly on this two track premise, you have on the one side welcoming this chinese general as tensions in the southation sea are exploding with different countries. and then today's message is, you're bad for hacking and what are we going to do about it? >> i go back to my lack of coherence point about obama's foreign policy in regard to china. i don't think these guys really know what to do vis-a-vis china and they're still struggling with it. >> that was pretty succinct. that is it for the panel. stay tuned to see the difference between good and bad journalism. and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long,
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two different accounts tonight. president garfield only served in office 200 days before being assassinated and even in death, he can't seem to catch a break. >> >> police say grave robbers have hit the tomb of president james garfield. >> spoons are taken away from the grave of president andrew garfield. [ buzzer ]
4:00 pm
>> andrew, thanks for inviting us. fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. right now an american marine who served two tours in afghanistan is in a mexican prison. frightened and terrified. and only "on the record" is taking you there. we're investigating, retracing sergeant andrew's roots taking you along the identical roads he traveled the night he was arrested at the border. we are now live at the u.s. mexican border. and we are just back from two days at the mexican prison where we were ready to interview the marine andrew. he wanted to talk with us. his mother and his lawyer wanted to talk to us. even prison officials said we could interview the sergeant in the prison. but after we waited outside the prison for two full days, other prison officials decided to keep us out. refusing to let us interview